Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is effective at providing pain relief because most causes of spinal disorders are related to abnormalities of the spine and the surrounding soft tissue structures.

Spinal misalignments (vertebral subluxation complexes) are caused by many types of stressors including physical, biochemical and emotional stress. The stresses can be a single injury or accumulated through life (eg. desk jobs - sitting for long periods of time where there is lack of motion to the spine). Lack of motion in the spine can cause headaches, neck pain, migraines, low back pain , sciatic symptoms and much more. 

Doctors of chiropractic are specifically trained to identify and treat misalignments of the vertebrae (subluxations) and their subsequent effect on the central nervous system. The nervous system controls the operation of your entire body and since your spinal cord is an essential part of the nervous system, keeping your spine moving and pain free will help this vital system.

Our Chiropractors in Canberra aim to get you out of pain, educate you on the spine’s role in your health and assist you with any questions regarding nutrition, health, exercise and fitness so you can maintain it in the long term. 

Pregnancy Care

When you are pregnant, your body is changing fast. As your baby grows your posture and centre gravity shifts. Headaches, shoulder pain, arm pain, back pain, pubic symphysitis, sciatic pain are common in pregnant ladies. If you would like non-drug healthcare option, we encourage you to see what chiropractic can do for you.

A pregnant woman can see our chiropractors through any stage of her pregnancies. As the belly grows, our techniques are modified to cater for mum and baby keeping both safe and comfortable.

All our Chiropractors in Canberra have children and are experienced with taking care of pregnant mums. They have all attended pregnancy and paediatric courses to take care of you and your baby on this wonderful journey.

Paediatric Care

We take care of newborns to teenagers. Why? because the spine is growing rapidly through childhood. Babies fall on their bottoms frequently while learning to walk, children play, fall off playground equipment, accidents happen, teenagers slouch and get injuries playing various sports. This causes frequent spinal misalignments (vertebral subluxations complexes) which leads to pain and bad posture, which may result in poor sleep and affect overall health and development..

These days it is very difficult avoid mobile phones, tablets and computers. You may have notice that your child's head has shifted. This is called forward head posture and can lead to headaches and neck pain. We can assess your child’s posture and determine if they need help in correcting it.

​How do you adjust a baby?

Our chiropractors in Canberra have seen hundreds of infants and children. Only low-force, extremely gentle techniques are used, which involves about the same pressure you’d apply to a tomato if you were to check its ripeness.

How often will my child be adjusted?

Our recommendations will vary from child to child, just as they are customised for an adult. We’ll take into account their age, current condition and how quickly they respond to care in what we recommend for your child.

Care for the Elderly

Regardless of age, your health is your most valuable asset. Chiropractic care is extremely important because of the dramatic changes that occur in the spine as you age. Chiropractic care can help provide relief from many ailments and treatment is safe for those with arthritis, low bone density and osteoporosis.

Enjoy pain relief without medication – anti-inflammatory medication and pain relievers only mask symptoms and have many undesirable side effects. Chiropractic care may provide pain relief without medication.

Enjoy increased range of motion of the spine and extremities – chiropractic care has been shown repeatedly to increase the range of motion of the spine and the extremities enabling you to continue doing what you love, such as picking up the grandchildren.

Enjoy better balance and coordination – problems in balance and coordination in the ageing population have been shown to come from injury or degenerative changes to the neck (cervical spine). Studies show that chiropractic care can help restore balance and coordination by stimulating the joint receptors (mechanoreceptors) in the cervical spine.

Manage and treat decreased joint degeneration – a misaligned (subluxated) spine is much like a misaligned wheel on a car. This misalignment will cause the spine (as it does to a wheel) to wear out prematurely. Since all moving parts eventually wear down over time, it is very important to get your spine aligned periodically. Chiropractic care decreases spinal degeneration and other arthritic changes by normalising the spinal alignment and reducing spinal stress.

Decreased incidence of falling – injuries due to falling are extremely common is you age. Chiropractors help reduce the risk of falls by normalising the joint receptors (mechanoreceptors) of the neck (cervical spine) by administering chiropractic adjustments. They also prescribe stretching and exercise programs to increase strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination.

Enjoy better health and wellbeing – once you are no longer in pain, your overall physical and emotional wellbeing improves.

New Patient

Welcome to Back in Balance Chiropractic

You will be seeing our Chiropractors at either the Pearce or Palmerston clinic knowing that you are in great hands. When you arrive at our centre you will be warmly greeted by our Chiropractic Assistant. We kindly ask that you arrive 10 minutes earlier to fill out the new patient form. Then you will meet with your chiropractor for a chat about what’s brought you in and your goals. This one-on-one session allows us to gain an understanding of the nature of your problem and how it affects your life, as well as your health history.

Initial consultation

The initial consultation will take at least 30 minutes. The Chiropractor will take a thorough case history (this can involve questions in regards to symptoms, medicines, health, lifestyle, injuries, supplements), then a comprehensive examination will be performed (postural analysis, gait, palpation, muscle testing, neurological & orthopaedic examination).

If x-rays are required you will be written a referral for the Phillip or Belconnen Medical & Dental Centre which is 5 minutes down the road from our clinic in Pearce or 12 minutes from Palmerston.

Radiographic Examination: Much information can be gained as to how well or poorly your spine is functioning and, for this reason, X-Rays are performed to assist the Chiropractor in determining whether your spine is structurally sound or whether it has any pathology (disease process) present that may affect or hinder your response to Chiropractic care. Examination of an X-Ray allows the Chiropractor to identify the unique elements of your spine so that we may provide you with the most appropriate care for your spine. X-rays are fully BULK BILLED by Medicare.

Report of Findings

​This visit will be scheduled as soon as possible after your first appointment. It’ll take about 20-30 minutes. During this time, your doctor will review your examination and X-ray findings (if applicable) to help you understand the source of your problem. A care plan will be recommended to map out a clear path to your recovery. Your plan will be based on your stated goals, lifestyle habits and the severity of your condition.

Your visit will conclude with your first gentle chiropractic adjustment.

Standard Appointments

As your Chiropractor and you have already established clear plan, these appointments take between 5- 10 minutes. If you have been taken to the treatment room and your Chiropractor is not with you straight away, we ask that you take your shoes, jewelry, glasses and any bulky clothes off. Please take time to lie on the table while you wait as this maybe the only moment of your day that you get to have real down time without distractions or devices. During these sessions your Chiropractor will adjust you and provide appropriate guidance/exercises according to your plan.

You deserve to feel fabulous! Everyone heals at their own rate, and your improvement is influenced by your daily activities, sleep patterns, nutrition and lifestyle. Keep in mind that each visit builds on the one before.

Re- Activation

If you have not been to the clinic for over a year or are an archived patient, you will be required to fill out a re-activation form. Please allow 10 minutes for this. A thorough examination will be done before you get adjusted. You may or may not get adjusted on this visit depending on the complexity of your case. Please allow at least 30 minutes for this visit.

Re- Examination

If you have not been to the clinic for 6 months, you will require to fill out a Re-examination form and undergo a Re- examination before any treatment will be performed as many things in life can happen after six months. Please allow 20 minutes for this.

Long Appointments

​Long appointments are 10-20 minutes and are required for a progress examination, or if you request a long appointment to discuss your changing needs, or if the chiropractor has recommended longer appointments due to the treatment recommended.